
Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) – EconomyDoctor FADN Standard Results

see also
Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) – EconomyDoctor FADN Advanced Results (calculated by Luke)

Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) – Economydoctor FADN Standard Results

The EconomyDoctor FADN Standard Results Internet service provides the FADN Standard Results of EU Member States from accounting years 1989-2009. The figures are based entirely on the CSV files, which can be downloaded from the public internet site of the EU DG AGRI. G.3. ( The service reproduces the figures in the CSV files. No additional results have been calculated.

The Internet service generates tables dynamically on the basis of the user’s selections. The service contains three kinds of data table:

  1. Basic key figures by Member State from accounting years 1989-2009
  2. Basic financial statements of the Member States from all accounting years between 1998 and 2009. These financial statements include income statement (profit and loss statement), balance sheet, and key ratio report for each Member State.
  3. Reports based on the criteria selected by the user (“Own criteria”). The user can select the type of report and the classifiers, which are then used to generate the data table. There are nine reports and eleven classifiers to choose from. A maximum of five classifiers may be selected per report.

Production of the internet service EconomyDoctor FADN Standard results:

Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) |

Production of the EconomyDoctor FADN Standard Results Internet service: Luke Statistical services / Arto Latukka

User interface: Luke Statistical services / Jussi Iltanen

Internet service layout: Sofis Design Oy / Marko Aarnio and Luke’s Media and PR Services

Data Source: FADN Standard results files provided by FADN-EC-DG AGRI/G.3.