
The service offers a review of the financial standing of small-scale coastal fishing in Finland’s marine region, based on the latest income statement data. Small-scale coastal fishing refers to fishing enterprises that mainly operate using static gear and vessels that are smaller than 10 metres.

The main source for the financial data of small-scale coastal fishing is the annual account survey conducted by Natural Resource Institute Finland. The account survey for coastal fishing is targeted for all fishing units (company or fishermen) having value of annual catch more than 5 000 euros. The annual sample covers 15 – 20% of the entire population and around 90 % of the total turnover of coastal fishing. Statistical methods have been used to extrapolate this sample of income statement data to cover the coastal fishing industry as a whole. Such data becomes available for the Natural Resources Institute Finland during the year following the financial statements. In other words, the most recent financial statements published in any given year usually concern the previous year.

The service has two parts:

A time series starting in 2008, and financial statements for individual years, classified according to turnover and gear type.

Reports according to user-defined parameters (“My selections”): In the “My selections” section, users may select reports and specify company classification criteria in order to group the data when calculating group means and sums (classifiers). Reports can also be generated in Swedish and English.

EconomyDoctor’s Coastal Fishing Service is provided by:


Luke Statistical services / Markku Kärnä, Joonas Valve, Heidi Pokki

Technical implementation:

Luke Statistical services / Arto Latukka

Online service’s user interface:

Luke Statistical services / Jussi Iltanen

Look and feel:

Sofis Design Oy and Luke’s communications team