
In addition to the year, the user can select two classifiers: turnover class and gear type.

Companies are divided into three classes according to their turnover: EUR 0 – 8,500/10,000, EUR 8,500/10,000 – 40,000 and more than EUR 40,000. VAT liability threshold was EUR 8 500 regarding 2008 – 2015  and  EUR 10 000 since year 2016.

Gear type refers to the fishing technique most frequently used by the company. There are three options: trap, net and several types of gear. The company’s gear type is the one that generates more than 70% of its fishing turnover. “Several types of gear” refers to companies where traps or nets alone do not generate more than 70% of their fishing income or which mainly use other types of fishing gear (e.g. lines, hooks, purse seines).