
Seal damage compensation:

Seals (grey seal and ringed seal) and cormorants can cause financial damage to the fishing industry. As seals and cormorants are protected game animals, they cannot be hunted in numbers that would prevent such damage. A compensation for the financial damage may be granted to commercial fishers that have an average annual turnover above EUR 10,000.

Other revenue:

Other fishing-related income includes income from leasing water areas, other state support, insurance compensation and fuel tax returns.

Other variable costs:

Other costs related to the fishing effort/catch such as ice, containers, catch offloading costs, transport costs, port charges, etc.

Other fixed costs:

Other fixed costs such as insurance, accounting, marketing costs, etc.

Financial costs:

The interest on fishing-related loans


Depreciation of fishing assets

Net profit:

Indicator of profitability, indicating returns revealing the performance of the fishing company. If the net gain is negative, the company’s operations are unprofitable.