Income Statement

SAS Output Economydoctor.FADN Advanced Results ( EconomyDoctor Profitability calculation. Background data:FADN-EC-DG AGRI/L3. November 8, 2024
            Income  Statement             2008
EU Belgium Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Germany Greece Spain Estonia France Hungary Ireland Italy Lithuania Luxemburg Latvia Malta Netherlands Austria Poland Portugal Finland Sweden Slovakia Slovenia UK Bulgaria Romania
Farms represented 4957080 32,010 19,700 14,690 32,270 185,010 537,230 601,220 7,260 356,080 80,690 106,400 730,870 39,600 1,660 22,830 1,470 59,490 73,000 757,400 111,830 40,960 26,360 3,470 42,590 88,350 117,780 866,870
Farms in sample 70,000-80,000 1,000-2,000 200-500 1,000-2,000 1,000-2,000 7,000-8,000 4,000-5,000 8,000-9,000 500-1,000 7,000-8,000 1,000-2,000 1,000-2,000 10,000-20,000 1,000-2,000 200-500 1,000-2,000 200-500 1,000-2,000 2,000-3,000 10,000-20,000 2,000-3,000 500-1,000 1,000-2,000 500-1,000 500-1,000 2,000-3,000 1,000-2,000 1,000-2,000
Arable land 31,9 45,6 8,0 227,9 81,6 84,8 7,1 35,1 131,2 77,8 54,3 45,7 16,5 50,5 76,9 62,3 3,6 32,6 34,2 18,3 26,5 52,6 97,9 579,3 11,0 160,2 28,0 12,1
Livestock Units 26,1 116,3 7,7 111,5 136,7 90,3 4,8 23,2 41,3 66,0 21,2 52,2 14,3 16,0 95,0 21,2 32,9 122,3 28,6 12,9 12,9 30,5 63,0 178,4 12,3 134,2 8,8 6,9
Total output 63,629 204,326 27,382 301,955 314,522 206,198 19,670 51,448 83,285 148,818 82,051 47,248 58,047 37,347 155,827 44,612 63,278 417,940 78,613 28,504 24,678 85,685 159,613 526,396 23,341 227,855 24,149 17,442
        Crops and products 33,799 81,118 13,629 169,037 106,297 91,274 14,054 32,850 36,387 81,317 49,355 8,234 41,289 22,892 41,402 21,107 26,486 197,660 23,305 14,758 13,689 32,226 66,501 296,259 11,163 100,416 15,464 8,529
        Livestocks and products 26,191 119,379 13,737 115,271 186,752 104,445 5,057 18,039 40,608 61,494 25,637 37,994 15,296 13,892 100,987 19,982 35,480 176,638 39,472 13,258 9,980 47,441 73,609 160,255 9,406 115,423 6,441 4,706
        Other output 3,639 3,829 16 17,646 21,473 10,479 559 559 6,290 6,007 7,060 1,020 1,462 563 13,437 3,524 1,311 43,643 15,835 489 1,009 6,019 19,502 69,882 2,771 12,016 2,244 4,207
- Total intermediate consumpt. 38,054 132,670 17,978 237,141 228,591 144,754 9,147 25,290 65,512 94,520 56,430 34,448 21,801 22,435 99,662 35,083 46,246 267,215 44,175 18,748 13,912 75,701 120,762 451,602 16,937 161,347 14,677 7,653
        Total specific costs 23,527 96,359 12,828 139,335 166,194 85,975 5,784 17,024 42,875 49,702 34,861 23,154 14,670 15,274 56,235 21,566 36,512 157,360 21,144 13,129 9,829 37,577 69,752 271,081 10,954 107,239 8,566 4,799
        Total farming overheads 14,527 36,311 5,150 97,806 62,398 58,779 3,363 8,266 22,637 44,818 21,569 11,295 7,131 7,162 43,427 13,517 9,734 109,855 23,031 5,620 4,083 38,123 51,010 180,521 5,983 54,108 6,111 2,855
+ Balance current subsid.taxes 10,279 23,815 5,707 72,387 28,789 35,367 6,295 8,353 22,407 26,166 13,534 19,777 4,993 8,750 45,619 13,235 13,308 13,293 22,517 4,689 5,327 48,052 37,189 138,950 6,583 43,194 3,723 1,757
        Total subsidies-excl.investm. 10,719 24,947 5,754 75,899 32,824 34,663 6,316 8,545 22,565 28,024 14,517 20,396 5,656 9,044 39,782 13,589 13,410 16,739 20,224 5,029 5,615 48,308 37,332 148,982 7,206 43,968 3,780 1,971
        VAT balance excl. on investm. 242 785 0 0 0 2,766 43 153 147 -2 -210 -470 585 -184 7,017 -78 0 -81 3,300 11 -169 0 0 0 -594 0 0 -18
        Taxes 682 1,916 47 3,511 4,035 2,062 64 345 305 1,857 774 149 1,248 111 1,180 276 103 3,365 1,008 351 119 256 142 10,032 29 774 57 196
= Gross Farm Income 35,854 95,471 15,111 137,201 114,719 96,810 16,818 34,511 40,179 80,464 39,155 32,577 41,239 23,661 101,783 22,764 30,340 164,019 56,955 14,444 16,092 58,037 76,040 213,744 12,986 109,701 13,196 11,545
- Depreciation 8,242 25,667 3,739 32,770 36,297 27,329 2,874 3,135 12,122 25,443 8,490 9,441 7,098 4,754 44,733 6,614 3,430 50,169 15,480 4,456 3,386 24,425 17,779 81,614 5,845 25,037 2,095 1,217
= Farm Net Value Added 27,612 69,804 11,372 104,431 78,422 69,482 13,944 31,377 28,057 55,021 30,665 23,136 34,142 18,907 57,050 16,151 26,909 113,849 41,475 9,989 12,706 33,612 58,261 132,130 7,141 84,663 11,100 10,328
+ Balance subs.taxes on invest 81 -859 369 2,509 161 -2,246 56 -60 8,157 1,264 726 448 1 3,485 3,354 2,257 321 -1,313 -1,381 -77 213 843 0 14,124 443 735 40 36
- Total external factors 9,897 23,705 3,758 78,134 125,733 37,700 2,088 6,499 16,897 25,017 15,174 4,889 7,229 3,997 21,267 7,260 4,844 84,936 6,150 2,135 2,545 13,620 28,720 148,685 776 36,513 5,679 1,650
        Wages paid 5,317 8,260 2,636 63,580 29,084 18,653 1,123 4,708 12,670 10,033 9,991 1,464 5,912 2,284 5,369 5,062 3,954 40,602 1,631 1,516 1,855 5,732 10,518 122,121 368 21,980 3,196 1,100
        Rent paid 2,554 8,005 988 10,373 13,804 13,054 920 1,452 902 10,381 2,943 1,902 1,214 904 7,452 403 257 11,688 2,321 314 513 3,585 8,609 16,022 249 8,477 1,813 407
        Interest paid 3,859 14,880 266 7,785 161,437 11,357 92 672 6,588 8,705 4,131 3,044 208 1,575 15,719 3,532 1,264 61,689 3,336 589 352 8,134 16,319 20,389 316 11,251 1,320 283
= Farm Net Income 17,796 45,240 7,983 28,806 -47,149 29,536 11,911 24,817 19,317 31,268 16,217 18,695 26,913 18,395 39,137 11,147 22,387 27,601 33,944 7,777 10,375 20,835 29,541 -2,431 6,808 48,886 5,462 8,715
- Wage Claim 16,569 40,446 8,015 15,385 35,665 29,540 8,545 14,492 12,488 27,894 6,072 23,080 18,877 8,951 30,351 8,816 21,376 51,379 22,340 9,263 9,760 33,371 45,056 10,069 10,367 32,979 2,961 4,339
- Interest Claim 21,161 42,855 24,274 25,557 138,883 49,588 14,982 29,064 14,283 14,748 9,333 113,070 14,281 6,891 74,716 6,645 23,315 94,546 29,697 4,945 9,817 20,652 39,011 96,544 18,160 90,786 4,388 7,993
= Economic Profit -19,934 -38,061 -24,306 -12,137 -221,698 -49,592 -11,617 -18,738 -7,454 -11,374 812 -117,455 -6,245 2,553 -65,930 -4,314 -22,304 -118,324 -18,092 -6,430 -9,203 -33,188 -54,525 -109,044 -21,718 -74,879 -1,888 -3,617