Income Statement

SAS Output Economydoctor. FADN Advanced Results ( EconomyDoctor Profitability calculation. Background data: FADN Public Database (SO). December 3, 2024
            Income  Statement             2022
EU27-2020 Austria Belgium Bulgaria Cyprus Czechia Denmark Estonia Finland France Hungary Ireland Italy Lithuania Luxembourg Latvia Netherlands Poland Portugal Romania Sweden Slovakia
Farms represented 2578372 67,204 27,700 56,987 11,248 14,212 18,201 6,944 22,919 272,162 102,580 91,056 534,047 54,194 1,353 22,200 43,022 693,880 117,044 390,111 26,878 4,430
Farms in sample 50,000-60,000 1,000-2,000 500-1,000 2,000-3,000 500-1,000 1,000-2,000 1,000-2,000 500-1,000 500-1,000 7,000-8,000 2,000-3,000 500-1,000 10,000-20,000 1,000-2,000 200-500 1,000-2,000 1,000-2,000 10,000-20,000 2,000-3,000 5,000-6,000 500-1,000 500-1,000
Arable land 40,4 33,7 53,1 75,9 11,1 254,3 152,1 150,9 78,3 94,1 52,8 45,7 23,6 51,4 96,0 73,6 41,2 21,3 25,8 26,3 104,4 409,5
Livestock Units 30,1 30,4 138,3 22,3 16,0 107,3 220,7 40,4 40,2 73,1 21,5 67,9 18,2 14,3 127,1 22,8 163,1 14,3 13,1 8,9 61,5 107,8
Total output 129,341 142,837 436,474 127,854 53,931 590,895 899,588 237,928 221,581 291,564 135,778 127,836 91,672 87,648 361,466 108,578 845,861 60,751 41,416 39,174 328,476 762,053
        Crops and products 68,972 46,342 163,693 99,982 21,294 325,860 340,329 122,475 110,453 169,138 76,494 20,919 57,947 59,382 68,745 61,008 347,087 32,600 27,929 28,686 175,848 430,557
        Livestocks and products 51,746 65,896 250,535 26,587 32,327 200,098 461,001 87,785 90,261 109,493 34,031 105,725 27,587 26,593 255,634 39,667 398,274 27,538 11,784 10,422 124,262 206,562
        Other output 8,623 30,599 22,246 1,286 309 64,937 98,259 27,668 20,867 12,933 25,254 1,193 6,137 1,673 37,087 7,902 100,499 613 1,703 66 28,366 124,934
- Total intermediate consumpt. 76,222 77,747 265,513 63,252 38,608 425,010 522,937 163,357 176,935 176,818 88,457 83,770 45,102 49,723 231,491 75,154 513,648 35,065 21,515 20,553 231,367 539,666
        Total specific costs 49,299 45,018 203,884 41,826 29,920 260,267 372,382 96,925 103,432 92,315 61,904 61,377 30,082 33,483 143,241 48,422 350,537 25,678 13,939 15,391 142,368 366,671
        Total farming overheads 26,923 32,729 61,629 21,426 8,687 164,744 150,555 66,432 73,503 84,503 26,552 22,393 15,020 16,240 88,250 26,732 163,111 9,387 7,576 5,162 88,999 172,994
+ Balance current subsid.taxes 15,563 30,055 21,848 27,431 4,693 121,506 51,561 40,687 73,881 33,630 21,048 17,804 10,818 13,324 89,950 18,489 18,680 7,573 11,453 5,274 45,549 135,654
        Total subsidies-excl.investm. 16,267 25,823 24,113 27,178 6,059 123,993 57,156 41,273 74,897 35,950 22,590 19,062 11,466 13,716 69,628 19,593 23,811 7,636 11,851 5,941 45,549 142,379
        VAT balance excl. on investm. 313 5,391 1,127 672 -1,277 0 0 73 0 0 -732 -1,121 562 -181 22,545 -90 0 375 -111 0 0 0
        Taxes 1,016 1,159 3,391 419 89 2,486 5,595 660 1,016 2,319 810 138 1,210 211 2,222 1,014 5,131 438 287 667 0 6,726
= Gross Farm Income 68,683 95,146 192,809 92,032 20,017 287,391 428,212 115,258 118,526 148,377 68,369 61,870 57,388 51,249 219,925 51,912 350,892 33,258 31,354 23,895 142,658 358,042
- Depreciation 12,258 24,944 37,164 11,879 2,630 58,678 61,007 26,179 40,761 36,840 9,503 8,234 5,692 10,978 78,499 13,554 67,052 5,523 3,952 2,637 28,907 79,937
= Farm Net Value Added 56,425 70,202 155,646 80,153 17,387 228,713 367,206 89,079 77,766 111,537 58,867 53,636 51,696 40,271 141,425 38,358 283,840 27,735 27,402 21,258 113,751 278,104
+ Balance subs.taxes on invest 634 -3,666 1,731 125 17 7,504 482 3,760 2,314 2,753 294 2,718 519 2,202 3,619 2,489 2,543 -37 419 6 50 2,293
- Total external factors 15,845 9,683 35,733 35,990 5,307 148,797 158,048 38,668 27,265 37,135 21,021 8,060 10,414 9,085 38,483 14,980 109,212 3,135 5,291 5,775 42,731 200,919
        Wages paid 9,186 3,887 17,630 12,961 3,845 109,418 76,863 25,564 14,996 17,977 14,274 3,009 7,850 5,630 16,089 10,612 68,589 1,960 4,484 3,112 20,565 155,959
        Rent paid 5,122 4,081 13,519 21,925 1,395 29,845 39,713 8,645 7,923 16,084 5,694 3,704 2,428 2,757 15,571 2,662 21,466 779 703 2,476 15,536 33,908
        Interest paid 1,537 1,715 4,584 1,104 67 9,533 41,472 4,459 4,345 3,073 1,053 1,347 136 698 6,823 1,706 19,157 396 104 186 6,630 11,052
= Farm Net Income 41,214 56,853 121,643 44,288 12,097 87,420 209,640 54,171 52,815 77,155 38,140 48,295 41,801 33,389 106,561 25,866 177,171 24,564 22,530 15,490 71,070 79,479
- Wage Claim 23,709 42,886 52,321 10,002 7,968 31,605 44,334 15,720 38,006 33,977 7,813 28,591 25,021 18,460 43,169 15,815 72,941 15,125 12,517 7,369 54,258 15,447
- Interest Claim 6,851 8,379 15,524 3,307 4,892 21,971 33,852 8,317 11,406 4,189 4,007 43,464 11,665 2,389 20,250 3,725 54,721 8,681 1,607 3,498 19,248 17,158
= Economic Profit 10,654 5,589 53,798 30,979 -763 33,844 131,454 30,134 3,403 38,989 26,320 -23,760 5,114 12,541 43,143 6,326 49,509 758 8,406 4,623 -2,436 46,875