
Other income:

Other fishing-related income includes rental income from water areas, other government support, compensation paid by insurance companies, and fuel tax returns.

Pay adjustment:

Key indicators for the profitability of small companies paint a rosier picture than in reality, as small-scale entrepreneurs often do not pay themselves salaries, taking their income directly from the company’s income instead. Statistics Finland adjusts the results of small companies using a computational pay adjustment (about EUR 2,500 per month).

Other variable costs:

Other expenses relating to fishing and catches include ice, crates, unloading and transportation costs, port fees and taxes, etc.

Other fixed costs:

Other fixed costs such as insurance, accounting, marketing expenses, etc.


The interest on loans relating to fishing. The interest shown in the key indicator report is taken directly from financial statements. The interest shown in the financial statement report is calculated on the basis of tangible capital.


The depreciation of fishing-related assets. The depreciation shown in the key indicator report is taken directly from financial statements. The depreciation shown in the financial statement report is calculated on the basis of tangible capital.

Tangible capital:

The capital value of fishing vessels as calculated using the Perpetual Inventory Method (PIM).


The net investments shown in the key indicator report are taken directly from financial statements. The investments shown in the financial statement report are calculated on the basis of tangible capital.