Dairy production

SAS Output Economydoctor. Dairy farms data: production, economy, care and health. Data: Data Analytics Project. ProAgria and Faba. taloustohtori.luke.fi/en/ . February 7, 2025
                Dairy production                                 Average 2016 2017 2018
Farms represented 16 800 5 610 5 150 6 010
Farms in sample 620<n<630 200<n<210 200<n<210 200<n<210
Arable land 59,7 57,5 59,3 62,2
Dairy cows 39,0 38,4 39,6 39,1
Profitability ratio 0,56 0,56 0,56 0,54
Total milk production (litre) 346 000 340 200 351 400 346 800
Milk production (litre per cow) 8 860 8 860 8 860 8 860
Energy-corrected milk production (ECM kg per cow) 10 400 10 300 10 400 10 400
Energy-corrected milk production (ECM kg-per cow per day) 30,92 30,55 30,98 31,25
Life-time production that are alive (kg per cow) 22 100 21 300 22 000 22 700
Life-time production that are removed (kg per cow) 29 400 28 600 29 600 30 000
Milk yield last 12 months (kg per cow) 9 740 9 700 9 760 9 760
Milk production of heifers (kg per heifer) 8 240 8 240 8 230 8 240
Average yield after 2 calves (kg per cow) 10 000 10 100 10 100 9 890
Average yield after 3 calves (kg per cow) 10 700 10 700 10 700 10 700
Milk production sold to dairy plant (%) 94,2 93,9 93,9 94,6
Milk fat (%) 4,5 4,5 4,5 4,5
Milk protein (%) 3,5 3,5 3,5 3,5
Cell count 155,6 158,4 159,3 149,6
Milk urea 27,3 25,3 27,5 28,9
Ayrshire share % 55,3 54,0 54,7 57,0
Holstein share % 42,5 43,8 43,6 40,4
Other share % 2,4 2,4 2,2 2,6
Number of heifers 22,2 22,5 22,4 21,8
Dairy cows 39,0 38,4 39,6 39,1