Unit Cost per beehives

SAS Output Economydoctor. Unit Costs of Beekeeping. taloustohtori.luke.fi/en/. Data: Luke Profitability bookkeeping data. September 16, 2024
Unit Cost per beehives 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Beehives 90 87 52 53 48 53 61 61 65 56
Unit Cost per beehives less than 45 beehives 291.2 488.6 427.7 582.3 596.8 676.4 676.5 596.3 641.7 636.7
more than 45 beehives 382.0 404.7 229.0 186.9 183.3 171.5 332.9 335.5 252.3 282.9
All the Farms 372.6 411.7 293.2 261.6 299.4 300.6 377.0 367.9 285.7 377.7