
Luke Statistical services – EconomyDoctor Profitability Bookkeeping Results

The internet service EconomyDoctor Bookkeeping Results offers a user average results describing the economy and production process of different types of farms and horticultural enterprises from 2000.

The results are based on the Bookkeeping/FADN data managed by Luke. There is more than 900 enterprises inthe data every year. The results have been weighted to describe the results of the all Finnish farms and horiticultural enterprises overrunning a certain size class. In 2008 there were about 40.600 enterprises of this kind.

The service consists of two sections:
1. The basic reports of the years 2000 – 2014 and the single years:
2.  Reports based on the criteria selected by a user (“Own Criteria”):
The user can select the report and the classifiers, which are then used to generate the data table. There are eleven reports and thirteen classifiers to choose from. A maximum of four classifiers may be selected per report. The reports are also in Finnish and in Swedish. From this selection user can find also reports for weak/strong -groups.

Production of the internet service EconomyDoctor Profitability Bookkeeping Results:

Profitability Bookkeeping Data, accounting principles and technical realisation of the calculating and reporting system: 
     Luke Statistical services /Arto Latukka, Olli Rantala

Planning and realisation of the Forecasting System:
     Luke Statistical services / Jukka Tauriainen

User interface:
     Luke Statistical services / Jussi Iltanen

Internet service layout:
     Sofis Design Oy / Marko Aarnio