Balance sheet by Production Type

SAS Output Economydoctor. Agriculture and Horticulture. Data: Luke Profitability bookkeeping results. February 8, 2025
Balance  Sheet 2019
Cattle Farms
Dairy Farms
No direct selling Direct selling No direct selling Direct selling
Farms in sample 80<n<90 5<n<10 200<n<210 11<n<20
Arable land 124,1 101,9 103,2 117,2
Livestock Units 96,8 66,8 88,5 96,5
TOTAL ASSETS 891 400 690 100 1 035 000 1 267 000
    Intangible assets 4 110 240 5 770 7 930
          Arable Land 283 400 254 800 281 300 350 900
          Buildings 184 600 100 400 281 500 402 200
          Machinery 119 800 125 600 177 400 207 600
          Ditches 46 400 41 300 40 800 50 100
          Permanent crops 0 0 0 0
          Other fixed assets 2 880 2 360 3 850 3 210
    Long term investments 18 100 10 700 58 700 26 500
    Inventories 159 500 109 500 128 400 146 200
    Debtors 51 200 41 800 36 000 46 000
    Current financial assets 21 400 3 460 21 000 26 600
EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 891 100 688 600 1 035 000 1 267 000
  Equity 567 200 510 500 608 100 642 800
Debts 323 900 178 000 426 600 624 600