
The Dairy advisory data – production, management, economics and health service on the EconomyDoctor website provides a comprehensive range of information on the Finnish dairy farms for the years 2016 to 2018. The service consists of two parts:

1. The reports from the aforementioned period pertains to the production of dairy farms, the health status of the animals, and the financial ratios. All results have been weighted.

2. The “Own criteria” section allows users to create their own reports according to various available criteria. The user can select the report and the classifiers that will be used to generate the data table. There are five reports and three classifiers to choose from. A maximum of three classifiers can be selected per report. From this selection, the user can also find reports for weak/strong groups. The reports are available in Finnish and English.

Dairy production

This report provides general information on the production and quality of milk and the information is presented on mean level.

Financial ratios

This report presents financial ratios that give insight into the overall financial status of dairy farms.

Animal health and fertility

This report provides comprehensive information on the overall fertility of dairy cows, as well as their udder and hoof health.

Comprehensive corporate image

This report presents a comprehensive overview of the key factors involved in milk production on farms, including animal health and breed quality, as well as the economic outlook.


This report shows the correlations between the profitability ratio of dairy farms and selected various variables (Pearson’s correlation coefficients have been used)