Production lines

SAS Output Economydoctor. Structural Development of Agriculture. . Data: Luke Structural data of Agriculture. January 18, 2025
  Number  of  farms     2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000
  Number  of  farms     Cereals Oilseed and Protein Crops Farms 13,781 14,049 14,391 15,160 15,431 15,460 16,720 18,033 19,320 21,085 21,463 21,645 22,310 21,903 23,334 23,006 23,019 24,035 23,699 24,441 24,189 24,453 23,865 23,456
Potato and beet farms 542 528 591 641 667 813 788 792 854 960 976 999 1,178 1,243 1,196 1,288 1,372 1,582 2,043 2,063 2,053 1,961 2,022 2,041
Other crop farms 17,125 17,971 17,945 17,320 17,626 17,495 16,506 15,669 14,851 14,900 15,236 15,682 16,336 13,529 12,789 13,021 12,441 11,848 11,377 11,204 11,273 10,681 11,083 11,485
Vegetable production indoor 288 304 328 359 363 415 437 466 468 445 518 545 593 606 642 681 718 775 793 815 848 892 934 917
Ornamental crops indoor 272 291 302 303 312 330 344 360 363 371 382 392 407 503 499 530 536 578 664 664 679 668 669 692
Other indoorproduction and cultivated mushrooms 30 45 36 51 50 47 49 53 59 73 89 82 88 85 89 84 83 102 78 106 109 135 132 135
Vegetable production outdoor 746 802 916 899 925 883 910 836 836 811 842 898 903 920 1,003 1,090 1,233 1,350 1,402 1,452 1,624 1,698 1,832 1,876
Ornamental crops outdoor 77 64 77 77 71 102 108 114 135 111 117 116 135 40 113 135 144 152 137 141 142 133 127 139
Other production outdoor 68 84 75 82 74 92 95 114 100 106 127 127 157 82 103 91 108 110 127 141 151 146 148 175
Fruit and berry farms 350 368 370 360 373 372 374 383 378 398 438 446 483 364 497 466 479 501 441 414 428 426 383 368
Dairy farms 4,221 4,586 5,006 5,373 5,748 6,279 5,424 5,915 6,290 8,139 8,527 9,053 9,635 10,208 10,730 11,259 12,147 13,453 14,549 15,382 16,380 17,074 18,088 19,750
Suckler cow farms 1,351 1,337 1,361 1,363 1,400 1,205 1,049 1,053 1,059 1,123 1,162 1,181 1,069 1,012 951 826 733 685 483 412 366 750 746 777
Cattle farms 980 1,050 1,118 1,196 1,273 1,396 1,250 1,290 1,330 1,553 1,573 1,656 1,699 1,740 1,825 1,997 2,145 2,263 2,560 2,771 2,951 2,937 3,097 3,271
Suckler cow and cattle farms 240 272 252 238 234 411 381 345 340 437 395 394 358 387 396 494 535 524 675 648 654 421 465 502
Dairy and other cattle farms 280 295 326 362 423 508 486 491 529 682 809 854 1,127 1,266 1,307 1,642 1,770 1,784 1,955 2,255 2,512 2,949 3,233 3,421
Sheep farms 696 711 727 752 827 869 802 843 859 901 904 880 863 649 623 738 757 777 614 762 629 656 722 658
Sheep. goats and grazing livestock farms 153 187 188 189 233 219 1,401 1,460 1,468 243 218 218 188 3,388 3,287 3,405 3,423 3,273 3,082 2,965 3,122 2,858 3,100 3,140
Piglet farms 99 107 128 135 151 146 143 154 181 100 91 118 125 193 169 404 545 598 804 855 1,004 1,084 1,093 1,019
Pork farms 174 191 205 209 206 248 237 270 297 328 374 380 394 461 462 408 465 469 508 497 540 499 499 603
Combined pig production farms 104 119 144 152 161 190 203 241 276 457 520 591 692 704 823 849 839 882 924 1,031 1,072 1,061 1,144 1,384
Egg production 119 132 156 170 180 185 191 186 193 179 183 164 203 269 259 250 260 277 366 363 360 362 376 347
Poultry meat production 255 263 233 245 245 258 255 253 280 210 205 193 184 140 142 195 199 203 228 233 283 271 251 297
Combined horticulture and crop production 516 560 558 610 576 581 679 623 616 621 658 675 737 737 815 835 839 914 921 1,033 1,063 1,134 1,184 1,304
Combined crop and animal production 879 966 1,005 1,087 1,122 1,056 1,750 1,856 1,947 1,367 1,437 1,445 1,595 1,926 2,136 2,241 2,422 2,472 2,144 2,362 2,503 2,964 3,112 3,416
No production line 893 946 1,009 1,004 1,012 1,043 1,093 1,109 1,230 1,427 1,426 1,438 1,300 1,538 1,121 1,067 1,018 876 41 35 22 24 27 4
All the Farms 44,239 46,228 47,447 48,337 49,683 50,603 51,675 52,909 54,259 57,027 58,670 60,172 62,759 63,893 65,311 67,002 68,230 70,483 70,615 73,045 74,957 76,237 78,332 81,177