Reporting system

EconomyDoctor internet reporting service

EconomyDoctor internet service is a unique tool for monitoring the economic development of agriculture and horticulture.

The results are based on the Bookkeeping system maintained by Luke Statistical services.


The Bookkeeping farms have been classified to the production types according to the farm typology of the EU. Classification is based on so called standard gross margins (SGM). the production types represented in the basic reports are dairying, other cattle keeping, pig breeding, cereal cultivation, other crop cultivation and horticulture. 

The enterprises are classified also to the size classes on the basis of the standard gross margins. This method also makes the comparison between size classes of the crop farming and animal husbandry possible. 

The results can be examined according for example to the county, FADN area, NUTS2 area and support area. The divisions into districts are based on the municipal division.

Data processing

The information collected in about 1.000 Finnish farms and horticulture enterprises is delivered to Luke Statistical services in which the data is processed and stored by the Business Accounting group. To guarantee the reliability of the data and the results all the information of every enterprise is checked with detailed checking system. The financial statements and economic key figures are calculated on the basis of the data. 

Information security

It is not possible to get out of the system the data of the individual bookkeeping farm. All the results are represented as weighted group averages of at least ten enterprises. The ones participating in the Bookkeeping system all bind full professional secrecy.  They have no rights to give material or the entrepreneur’s names for the third party.

The enterprise-specific data can be used also for research according to the EU legislation. Luke Statistical services gives the data for the researchers which are committed to follow the information security decrees. Even in that case the data will not contain the information concerning entrepreneur’s identification. The enterprise-specific data are totally confidential also in the research use.