Balance sheet by Production Type

SAS Output Economydoctor. Agriculture and Horticulture. Data: Luke Profitability bookkeeping results. February 9, 2025
          Balance  Sheet               2020    

Cereals Oilseed and
Protein Crops Farms
Other Crop Farms

Horticulture indoor
Horticulture outdoor
Dairy Farms

Cattle Farms

Sheep and Goats

Pig Farms

Poultry Farms

Mixed production

Farms represented 34 500 12 600 9 170 660 950 5 360 2 900 500 380 330 1 590
Farms in sample 720<n<730 120<n<130 120<n<130 80<n<90 11<n<20 200<n<210 80<n<90 11<n<20 11<n<20 5<n<10 30<n<40
Arable land 66,9 63,2 49,6 0,5 44,7 88,5 97,0 60,9 114,3 65,5 99,9
Livestock Units 28,1 0,1 0,1 0,0 0,0 68,1 76,6 22,7 280,3 588,8 44,0
TOTAL ASSETS 511 400 395 900 285 800 735 000 692 300 827 000 753 400 365 800 1 164 000 1 357 000 738 900
    Intangible assets 1 980 1 040 1 030 14 600 1 760 3 910 2 140 170 5 860 2 670 2 430
          Arable Land 213 200 230 200 153 400 23 300 203 900 235 300 229 600 139 900 456 500 222 900 365 800
          Buildings 87 600 30 300 24 200 315 600 147 400 212 600 181 100 94 600 190 600 556 300 63 000
          Machinery 77 500 54 900 42 300 107 200 119 000 139 900 115 100 42 400 148 300 207 600 110 800
          Ditches 24 100 22 800 16 400 70 20 600 30 100 32 700 11 100 64 800 11 200 51 900
          Permanent crops 290 0 80 1 210 6 170 0 10 0 0 0 1 650
          Other fixed assets 1 230 190 250 10 300 5 410 2 890 2 040 310 3 850 6 580 300
    Long term investments 14 800 4 770 9 610 14 800 7 740 43 000 12 200 1 360 45 200 77 900 21 800
    Inventories 55 800 32 100 19 600 54 800 127 800 105 200 124 200 36 300 184 000 112 700 82 300
    Debtors 21 100 9 580 12 700 84 100 34 800 32 600 43 000 34 400 28 400 95 500 25 900
    Current financial assets 13 900 10 000 6 260 109 000 17 700 21 600 11 100 5 240 36 100 63 300 13 100
EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 511 300 395 700 285 800 735 000 691 800 827 000 753 300 365 800 1 164 000 1 357 000 737 800
  Equity 371 000 325 400 231 700 340 200 541 000 509 400 470 600 249 400 909 600 844 300 610 100
Debts 140 300 70 300 54 200 394 900 150 800 317 600 282 700 116 400 253 900 512 200 127 700